Goolphipp Award: 5
Audience: All ages
Phipps: I think your kids will like it. It’s not Bolt. It does get a little scary and loud. I would venture to say around 9 or 10 age group would be fine. If you have a mature little tike, who watches action all the time…I wouldn’t hesitate to take them along.
Goolsby: Some of the clothing on the girls showed a little skin – but that was to be expected. There was one scene in which a green girl gets down with Kirk in her skivvies. Star Trek is about sex though, its about action, and as Phipps states it would be okay for a older youngin. Loud noises, love it!
Storyline: Where no one has gone before…
Phipps: I felt that Abrams did a phenomenal job of resurrecting the franchise. I thought it was fresh and fun and accessible, without sacrificing all the things we love about Star Trek. I actually can’t wait to see what they come up with for the next movie!
Goolsby: When space time travel is involved, I always end up explaining it with a lot of hand gestures that usually incorporate my feet. The storyline was a good mix. We got to see the childhood perspective which I thought was very well done. They have given themselves a clean slate for an innumerable amount of possibilities. Loved it.
Action: True
Phipps: There is one moment where someone is sucked out of the Enterprise screaming, and once she is out into space, there is no sound. And that is an accurate rendering of action in space. There is no noise. I appreciated that, being a space geek and all. I felt that all the action was necessary to the storyline and made sense. I was very pleased with it.
Goolsby: The action was loud, and it was very very well done. Of course Abrams wants to get our attention, and he got it, held it, and sucked it dry leaving us wanting more. And who’s that red coat, oh wait, doesn’t matter! Love it. They stayed true in more than one way. Even the fighting styles stayed true to the original characters – specifically Sulu.
Delivery: On target, Captain.
Phipps: I was amazed by the cast. They channeled the original actors in mannerisms and stayed true to the characters, while also bringing a new spin on it. This resulted in non-stiff, interesting characters. I could go on and on about it, but honestly, I thought everyone was great. Zachary Quinto blew us to smithereens as Spock (accompanied by Leonard Nimoy, of course). Chris Pine was inventive and decidedly James T. Kirk.
Goolsby: Point on all the way. Phipps said it all. Quinto owns a special part of my heart. Swoon, sigh, swoon. Delivery was amazing. Oh gosh, just got a flash back of Pine sitting in the chair eating that apple during the Kobayashi Maru. Classic, to the bone. Loved Bones too, Karl Urban did a fantastic job – “I can fix that!”
Phipps overall: 5
A must see, and then tell all your friends to go see it.
Goolsby overall: 5
Who needs to explain a 5? Of course it deserves a 5!
Goolphipp award: 5 (Opening Night Excellence)
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