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Monday, May 17, 2010

Shutter Island

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Goolphipp Award: 4.1 (Worth 11 Bucks)

I went for Goolsby. And I have to say, it was well done. The music seriously was channeling Jaws, and achieved the same emotional effect because it creeped me out. Between the two of us, Goolsby and I pieced together most of the big stuff. I'm very proud of us. Man, there was some great performances. DiCaprio – although I'm not a huge fan – did a wonderful job. I love hearing him with a Northeastern accent. The attention to detail for the 1950s era was there. Wartime flashbacks were also cool. This movie was and is not my cup of tea, but I can't deny that it was well shot, well acted, well put together. I'm glad I saw it. It was a little freaked out about the mental hospital angle. I went to a college that was a renovated mental hospital (with plenty of atmosphere), so mental hospital movie tend to weird me out. See a movie called Session 9 for another creepy mental hospital movie. I would say that this is definitely a movie for 17+.

Phipps overall: 4
Well done, but not my cup of tea.

Yup, Phipps finally caved and went with me to see this. What a crazy movie. We did piece most of it together. I think sometimes that ruins a movie. When you know something is up and all you can focus on it trying to figure the plot out. I don't think anything will ever surprise me as much as Fight Club did, well reading it that is. So perhaps it was all the hoopla I heard about this movie that had be so focused on figuring it out that it was a bit spoiled.

I loved the characters. Michelle Williams gave a creepy performance. Her whole ghostly spaced-out-ness just creeped me out. I really liked the intensity of this movie. Phipps mentions the Jaws music, but at times the music was hardly noticeable, so they did some great sound mixing and placement. I love movie that play off of small details. I just love smart finely tuned movies. Surprisingly, I jumped once. I might rent this movie once it comes out on DVD just to satisfy my curiosity of seeing all the stuff I missed the first time.

Goolsby overall: 4.25
Kudos to this movie.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Wright

Picture courtesy of
Goolphipp Award: 3.5 (See the Cheap Matinee)

Confession – I own a couple Queen Latifah movies, and I've seen most of her movies at one point. I've come to the conclusion that you can count on Ms. Latifah to deliver an decent movie. And this one is no different. I have a feeling I will eventually buy this one, just because I identify so much with Leslie's (Latifah) character. Again, this movie is pretty mainstream, but isn't stale. It's still funny and charming. I personally was bummed out because Leslie was always the gal pal, and it took her until she was 35 to find the right guy. Oi – it's like arsenic to a single lady such as myself. But my personal depression aside, this movie is worth seeing. And multiple generations will appreciate it...and will not be offended in the process. It's a good time. What I liked most about this movie was the depiction of the different types of women – it's a little too true. I'm thinking that most people will find something to like.

Phipps overall: 3.5
For all us Leslies out there.

I love Queen Latifah. Last Holiday is one of my favorite movies, her and Gerard Depardieu just make me smile. Phipps mentioned the different type of women this movie depicts. So true. Ugh. Those conniving women who will say and do anything, but push come to shove, they cant hack it. Latifah's character Leslie is real and down to earth. I loved her hooptie car with its special dimple (major dent). One of the things in this movie that really kinda peeved me is Leslie's mother. There is this scene when the mom is about to hand over these special earrings that she met her husband in to one of the girls, and she hands them to the skanky liar of a cousin instead of her own daughter. Poor Leslie. You really get invested in this character. But what erks me is the fact that the mother never really seemed to apologize or own her wrongs in front of Leslie. You see the mother watching the TV and realizing just how special her daughter is, but never to her face. I thought Leslie's father LLoyd, played by James Pickens Jr. (who is known as Dr. Webber on Grey's Anatomy), did a great job. He really owned the more mature father role. Oh... I don't really follow rap music, but the main guy is the rapper Common. Can he act? Yea, I guess. It wasn't an amazing performance, but convincing enough.

Goolsby overall: 3.5
Solid movie.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Letters to Juliet

Picture courtesy of
Goolphipp Award: 2.8 (Wait for DVD)

I was seriously excited for this movie. Two reasons: I'm a sucker for sap and I think Christopher Egan is a good looking chap. On the subject of the latter – he walks funny. On the subject of the former, well, I wasn't disappointed. This movie is everything you think it is...the trailer doesn't lie or mislead you. It's a chick flick, which if I'm being honest, will eventually worm it's way into my collection. What's nice about this movie is that it's a family movie. I don't remember a single thing that I wouldn't want my grandma to see. Letters is, of course, really predictable, which is always the number one complaint of critics. News flash, most people who watch chick flicks don't care. It's all about the sap. The dialogue was delivered with some snap. Franco Nero is a studly older guy. I must confess that being one of Juliet's secretaries would be a dream job. Overall, it's a safe bet for conservative audiences. It's a solid Girls Night Out movie.

Phipps overall: 3
Sapfest...and I liked it.

Phipps is right. I have no idea why critics complain about predictability. Girls see these movie (and occasionally boys that get pulled along). These formula movie are staples to the movie world just like flour is to the kitchen. Aside from my supportive rant, I agree, this movie was good. Gave me what I expected and wanted. I was also happy to see that Gael Garcia Bernal who plays Victor, is getting some more mainstream American roles. I also thought that Vanessa Redgrave who plays the older role of Claire delivered some really touching moments with Amanda Seyfried. The cheese was a bit much for me to stomach. I'm more of a comedy girl and quirky movie person, but this movie was manageable. There is a scene in this movie where tourist who pay Juliet's balcony a visit in Italy can rub a statue of Juliet. This status really does exists, and it is good luck to rub her breast. True story. Looking back though, not really many memorable moments.

Goolsby overall: 2.75
For the cheesy balcony scene.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Picture courtesy of
Goolphipp Award: 3 (See the Cheap Matinee)

This is a documentary that follows babies from birth to 1 year in 4 very different places - Mongolia, San Francisco, Namibia, and Tokyo. Hands down I loved the kid from Mongolia. He was adorable. This movie had no subtitles, but wasn't really about any dialogue anyway. It was about the cute things babies do! And oi! They are cute. It was really interesting to see how different babies are raised - from huge metropolitan cities to the rural yurt homes. No matter where babies are, they are cry and laugh. Oh goodness. This film was adorable. There is a scene where the Mongolian baby is pulling on a cat's ear pretty roughly, and that cat just doesn't mind at all, it was just precious. This movie is not life changing, but I think it would touch a certain soft spot in most women's hearts.

Goolsby overall: 3
I loved watching the first steps of all the babies.

This documentary was fun. I know I shouldn't have favorites, but I loved Bayar, the baby from Mongolia. He was hilarious...and mellow. My one issue with this film is you only see the good times. Not the 2 AM feedings or the spit up. But I suspect that was the point. It was neat to see how similar child rearing is across the globe. Of course, there were also moments that were dissimilar, and was really interesting! Raising a kid in Namibia is hardcore! I think the filmmakers did a good job weaving all the footage together. Like Goolsby pointed out, there was hardly any dialogue, which to be honest, I kind of missed for the first half. Then I accepted it and moved on, but I wanted to know what people were saying! Overall though, it was just a fun experience. There were so many "awww" moments. I laughed too. It was sweet.

Phipps overall: 3
Yup. Everyone loves babies.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2

Photo courtesy of
Goolphipp Award: 4.25 (Worth 11 Bucks)

Here comes the sequel: Consistent

This movie was what I expected of the awaited sequel. At some parts I felt it was long, but I'm sure it was just the more lengthy plot. I felt the characters were in line with what was delivered the first go round. I knew Terrence Howard was not returning as Rhodey Rhodes, but I was still sad to see him missing. Don Cheadle was a good replacement, and I particularly liked how the first lines he spoke sort of alluded to the fact he was replacing Terrence. I thought that Paltrow gave a little bit more in this performance as Pepper Potts - loved it.

I thought it was a decent follow-up. I really loved the first one...and I think it's still better. I talked to a friend of mine beforehand, and he mentioned that while the technology surrounding Iron Man is obviously futuristic, the first movie really tried to be as realistic as possible. Whereas Iron Man 2, just plays with lot of fun futuristic technology that's really too advanced for even a hint of realism. I agree. I get that it's a superhero movie...and is supposed to be out-of-touch with reality...but I think they took it a little too far. But honestly, that's my only complaint - other than the ridiculous height of Pepper's high heels.

Action Sequences: Fast and hard

Some of the car scenes were a bit sharp on the edges - meaning I think they could have done better. Perhaps some cleaner green screen work? The scene in particular that comes to mind is when Ivan Vanko, played by Mickey Rourke, is walking towards Iron Man with all these cars crashing into each other behind him. Needed a tad bit of work. I also noticed towards the end when the droid Iron Mans attack. Oh, and did anyone else think the atrium scene looked like the Kill Bill nature scene?

I thought it was decent, although, I stand by the fact that the first is still superior in this area. They were meticulous about it. This one...while still looking just a tad lazier on some of the details.

Delivery: Who can play a better narcissist?

Robert Downey, Jr. plays a stellar Tony Stark, and at his second pass, he seems so comfortable on screen in the role. You just have to love him in spite of yourself. He's dashing and witty, and I'm sure most girls swoon a bit. I really felt that he gave a great performance.

I also felt on the opposite spectrum that Sam Rockwell's performance as Justin Hammer was a bit... annoying? I know the character isn't supposed to be loveable, but come on... his portrayal of the character just didn't sit with me the right way. Anyone else feel this way? Or am I missing something from the comic?

Of course, Robert Downey, Jr. is the only one that could play Iron Man. He's already cocky. Paltrow was great as Pepper Potts. I'm not a fan of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. I didn't really believe she actually did all her action sequences...other than the "pause for effect" moments. Don Cheadle was a good replacement - I certainly don't blame him for stepping in - but seriously! Terrence Howard was a good Rhodey. Don't replace people - unless the actor in question is lame (like Katie Holmes in Batman Begins - Maggie Gyllenhaal is much better). Mickey Rourke freaked me out as a creepy Russian...thanks to whomever did his wardrobe and makeup. Sam Rockwell. What can I say? I normally like his performances, but I didn't quite buy it this time. As Goolsby says, he's annoying. I wish he had more of an edge - he's capable of breaking people out of jail. He should have a crazy side showing.

What was the best? The prospect of The Avengers movie!

I loved Samuel L. Jackson in this movie. I don't claim to be a comic person, but I know the general basics. Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Captain America, and according to wikipedia Ant-Man and Wasp. I've never heard of the last two, but I know of the others. I'm way excited for this. I know it will take forever to come, maybe 5 more years? Perhaps more? But I'm so excited. It is going to be awesome!

Actually, The Avengers movie is slated to come out sometime in 2012. Captain America and Thor next year, and I'm pretty sure they'll just introduce Ant-Man and Wasp (who I've also never heard of) in the big Avengers movie. All the leads from the movies are on board, because that's part of the deal. I'm super stoked as well. Midnight showing anyone? One more thing, I loved that Nick Fury and team were more apart of the storyline. It's a good lead-up into the Avengers.

Goolsby overall: 4.25
I really liked this movie. It was what I wanted and expected. It didn't surprise me which was sad, but it satisfied me. Oh, oh! Mickey Rourke's fingernails, I just hope that a makeup artist is behind those gross looking things. Eck.

Phipps overall: 4.25
You know I'm going to buy it. Not as good as the first, but pretty darn good for a sequel.

Goolphipp Award: 4.25 (Worth 11 Bucks)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Losers

Photo courtesy of
Goolphipp Award: 1.3 (Total Tanker)

I went to this movie for Phipps. I wasn't happy with this movie. The saving jokes and comedy were too far and few between. This movie is based on a comic, I haven't read the comic, and I'm curious to know what people who have read the comic think about this movie. This movie basically had problems left and right. The biggest one being the fact that if a man is shot in both this legs (whether it be the kneecap itself, or below the knee) he will not be able to walk. They mention this fact in the movie, but then break their own rule! They've got this guy up and walking, climbing walls, and doing crazy stuff after his legs get bandaged. Not going to happen. Perhaps the only good thing about this movie - the amazing explosions and Chris Evans' character Jensen. He was funny and witty, but it couldn't compensate for the horrible wreck of the rest of the movie. Bad plot, bad characters, bad acting, just bad. I did however like a sharp shooter named Cougar played by Oscar Jaenada, but perhaps that because he only said maybe 10 words the whole movie.

Goolsby overall: 1.25
Sad day.

Yep, it was a trainwreck. It had potential, but it was just bad - tanker status. As Goolsby mentioned, Chris Evans and Oscar Jaenada were the best parts of the movie. I'm a fan of Chris Evans, and I'm super stoked that he is going to be Captain America, but this was a bad choice. I could have done without the rest of the cast.

The plotline was your basic framing for a crime. Instead of really focusing on their expertise as a team, it was "poor us." There were witty moments combined with sharp shooting, but not enough. Fact: no matter how big or accomplished the man, you take out his knees and it's over.

So I suppose the bottom line here is that it's a crappy movie. The worst I've seen in a long while.

Phipps overall: 1.5
Evans and Jaenada tried...but it was a sinking ship.