Goolphipp Award: 2.1 (See the Cheap Matinee)
So we got free movie tickets to this movie. I hadn’t seen many previews for this movie, or really heard anything so I thought this movie was a romantic comedy, and it is in some respects. It actually leans more on the romantic drama side. So, there I was sitting in the theater, waiting for the comedy part – I was a bit frustrated the first 30 minutes of the film. After the frustration, I just accepted that this movie was a drama, and treated it accordingly.
This movie had its good parts, the quirk that I love – from the play on words with Jennifer Aniston’s sesquipedalian (a person who uses large words) character. I also enjoyed the scene in which Burke played by Aaron Eckhart, steals a parrot (actually it’s a cockatoo, but evidently according to my Google search, a cockatoo is a type of parrot).
Goolsby overall: 1.75
Meh, I just wasn’t feeling this movie. The cockatoo was the highlight of the movie for me. I think that says it all.
I’m a fan of Aaron Eckhart. He won me over in Erin Brockovich, and I’ve been a fan since. It was a happy coincidence that we got free tickets to this movie.
Like Goolsby, I was a little taken aback by this movie. I was expecting more of a romantic comedy. It is definitely a drama - a hard-to-watch drama. It’s tough to watch Burke (Eckhart) put on a smiling face and tell people how to deal with death, when he himself can’t deal with the circumstances of his wife’s death.
I am not a fan of Jennifer Aniston. But in this case, she was right for the part. She was the comic relief and the quirk. And wouldn’t you know, her character’s name was Eloise. I think I could count on one hard the number of times a character named Eloise is on film – I thought they just lived in hotels.
I really liked Martin Sheen as the father-in-law. It was believable. It was heartbreaking. Mr. Sheen can believably shout and cry. It’s impressive. I do believe he had a chin wobble…and I do believe I blinked back a couple tears in response. You can’t deny the power of a chin wobble.
While this movie was a good freebie, it wasn’t extraordinary, either. The cockatoo and Sheen’s performance were the most memorable.
And is it just me…but I’m still wondering why this movie is called Love Happens. Has anyone else figured that out?
Phipps overall: 2.5
It’s ok and things turn out alright. The cockatoo finds his way home.