Goolphipp Award: 2.5 (See the Cheap Matinee)
Sigh. Where to begin? All I can do it shake my head back and forth. Why did they have to go and ruin this with multiple inappropriate and ill-fitting sexual quips? This movie had potential to be awesome, and it did not rise to the occasion. Why did the two “ghett0-bots” have to so ghetto?! Robots with gold-capped teeth?! And what in the world was gained by having that anatomically correct Decepticon?! Wrecking balls?! Nothing!
Shia LeBeouf and the other actors did great; too bad their acting wasn’t the main focus. I had no qualms about the storyline of this movie or anything. The transformer movies are all about the graphics. We want to see things transform, we want to see cool stuff, but unfortunately we got subjected to crap. Compared to the first one, I thought the effects weren’t that great. I felt the movements went too fast, and the intricate detail was blurred.
Goolsby overall: 2.5
Sad day. Fallen it was.
The second Transformers has adopted the typical sequel regret: the shrug and the comment, “it wasn’t as good as the first.” The director made some major blunders by allowing the “anatomically correct” wrecking balls and ghetto-bots to make it into the final cut. I’m sorry, but those ghetto-bots get the prize for the most racist objects/characters/mean stereotypes on screen in recent history.
There were also weird unexplainable things. I was wondering how Shia gets so dang beat up and bloody, and yet Megan keeps white pants clean in the high desert with endless explosions around her. A Decepticon that passes as a human girl? Puh-lease. I missed Optimus for much of the movie, too. Just a few of the little mole hills that amounted to the “fallen” mountain.
The action wasn’t that spectacular either! This movie better not break any records, the word-of-mouth is out.
And so, I’d wait for DVD. The first one was better in every way, so save your money.
Phipps overall: 2.5
Ghetto-bots and wrecking balls, really?