Goolphipp Award: 3.6
Audience: Post-college chick flick crowd+
Although this does star Nia Vardalos and is based around the Greek culture, it is not My Big Fat Greek Wedding – so don’t treat it like it is. Take My Life in Ruins as what it is.
Goolsby: We went to a showing around dinner time, and were surrounding by people twice our senior – people who could be our parents and grandparents. I’m not sure why this happened, as the movie seems more directed at the 25-35 year old range. It’s a wholesome movie, with sex, so no lame teenagers.
Phipps: I agree with Goolsby, most teens will probably say, “huh?” But, in general, your average female will appreciate the movie - every girl wants to feel sexy and be in love. Guys will be kind of bored, so you might want to plan a girl’s night out around this one!
Where’s the Drama: Finding your kefi
Keeping to the Greek tradition, this movie is all about finding your kefi – your mojo.
Phipps: While this movie might seem slow to some, I appreciated the subtlety. Life is mostly subtle, is it not? Poupi and Georgia develop into a couple, they don’t meet-and-fall-into-the-sack. I liked the different side characters – tossing all these stereotypes together creates appropriate drama. All the characters were crazy, but lovable.
Goolsby: The drama is in the slow unveil of the love interest Poupi Kakas, played by the Greek stud Alexis Georgoulis. From bearded mountain man to GQ model in a suit, he pulls it off flawlessly. What better way to find your kefi? Swoon.
Storyline: Basic
Phipps: Pretty basic, but it’s fun. I’ve been on tours before, and you don’t necessarily get to know people as much as the film portrays…but then again, my family didn’t have to deal with a bus crash, a competing tour guide, a hospital visit, and haggling!
Goolsby: While Georgia, played by Nia Vardalos, takes a group of tourist around Greece, you not only get to see her character unfold, but the tourist as well. Irv, played by Richard Dreyfuss, was a treat. Each of the tourists had their own story to tell and it contrasted well next to Georgia’s.
Delivery: Expected
Goolsby: I didn’t go into this movie expecting the world, so I wasn’t disappointed. It’s not a deep movie, so there wasn’t that much to be impressed by. It had a good mix of humor and drama, and everyone did well.
Phipps: I’m satisfied with the movie. Georgia walking for miles on uneven streets in heels kind of bothered me – totally unrealistic! But overall, I have no complaints. Alexis Georgoulis was sweet…and ridiculously masculine at the same time – some men should take lessons!
Phipps overall: 3.5
Solid 3. It was fun. I left without being depressed. I left thinking it was worth spending the ten bucks…and that’s saying something in this economy. Oh, and you can watch it with your grandma.
Goolsby overall: 3.75
My Life in Ruins just didn’t have that pizzazz that I was hoping for. It was a nice afternoon treat none the less.
Goolphipp award: 3.6 (Worth 11 Bucks)
Contact us at goolphipp@gmail.com.
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