Goolphipp Award: 3.5 (Worth 11 Bucks)
Well, I’ve heard The Ugly Truth. I laughed a lot – although, sometimes I was so shocked…I had to nervously laugh. This movie is definitely adult. I’m thinking college crowd would enjoy it the most. It’s definitely not the movie you want to watch with your grandma. That being said, I enjoyed the movie.
The orgasm-in-the-middle-of-a-restaurant felt like a nod to When Harry Met Sally…and then promptly took it to the next level.
Gerard Butler, of course, is great as the good guy with edge.
The male stereotype soapboxes are brought out in the open. This movie is written by a bunch of women, who obviously wanted to back their male lead into a corner to prove a point. Sure, sure, men are absolute pigs. Sex sells, but at the end of day, someone has to fall for the neurotic females. And why? “Beats the s***t out of me,” says our male lead. I thought it was very interesting that it was all about breaking down men…as if women are angelic in their understanding of relationships. In the end, Katherine Hiegl’s character, Abby, doesn’t even say “I love you” back.
But I think, the main reactions you’ll get from people are, “it was funny” and “that guy was hot!” Sounds like a successful romantic comedy to me.
Phipps overall: 3.5
I could watch 2 hours of Gerard Butler any day!
We went to see this for my birthday with my mom. It was a birthday choice because of Gerard Butler. He delivered of course. I knew that this would be adult humor, but goodness. Once I got over the “this-is-awkward-sitting-next-to-my-mom” I was fine. The character dynamic was great. Your typical brash guy meets controlling girl. They fall in love. The real core of this is the humor of course. The jokes were honest. The truth is always funny. There are a couple of scenes that I just died laughing. A certain panty scene in a restaurant was the most unexpected thing ever.
All girls can relate to Abby (played by Katherine Heigl) – who hasn’t done a happy dance when they thought no one was looking? I have. I’m also glad that they didn’t ruin some of the more major jokes in previews or trailers. I’m happy with the movie; it delivered what it was supposed to.
Goolsby overall: 3.5
I wont be buying it, but Gerard put a smile on my face.
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