Goolphipp Award: 1.3 (Total Tanker)
I knew angels would be involved from the previews. I always like to give apocalyptic movies a try. I like them, what can I say? I'm a sucker for good action, and I appreciate "smart" apocalyptic movies. Now poor Legion, it just couldn't make up its mind - couldn't decide if it wanted to be action or drama. Too much lag time in between the gotcha-pop-out-of-nowhere scary moments. Lag time in a movie like this, unless done correctly, just tanks the movie. I think Legion could have been a better movie, but perhaps what would make it good would be some overhaul on the general plot and action lines. This means it was a total draw back, when the answer to resolve a movie is to rework the outline, there's a problem.
The plot - End of the world scenario, woman's baby will save the world.
The good? There was some. The angels wings were very nicely done. They weren't flimsy and delicate, and I liked that. Paul Bettany's performance as the angel Michael was well delivered. And a very random Lucas Black plays a character named Jeep. This was the weirdest cast ensemble I've seen in a while. Tyrese, Dennis Quaid, Kate Walsh (Addison from Grey's Anatomy), and Charles S. Dutton (from Rudy).
I think a lot of people will have a problem with this movie. Following suit as a typical apocalyptic movie, it pulls heavily from the Bible. When I watch a movie like this, I don't view them as a representation of the Bible. I just see it as a story. So if the Bible was misquoted, it went over my head. Story had plenty of flaws beyond any misquotes anyway.
What really got my goat - the horrible ending! If you have seen Constantine, just think of that. You have invested time in this movie, and then boom, nothing at the end but some lame message that doesn't even make any sense.
Goolsby overall: 1.75
For the succinctly choreographed action scenes and the wings.
I hated this movie. Really.
I knew angels would be involved from the previews. I always like to give apocalyptic movies a try. I like them, what can I say? I'm a sucker for good action, and I appreciate "smart" apocalyptic movies. Now poor Legion, it just couldn't make up its mind - couldn't decide if it wanted to be action or drama. Too much lag time in between the gotcha-pop-out-of-nowhere scary moments. Lag time in a movie like this, unless done correctly, just tanks the movie. I think Legion could have been a better movie, but perhaps what would make it good would be some overhaul on the general plot and action lines. This means it was a total draw back, when the answer to resolve a movie is to rework the outline, there's a problem.
The plot - End of the world scenario, woman's baby will save the world.
The good? There was some. The angels wings were very nicely done. They weren't flimsy and delicate, and I liked that. Paul Bettany's performance as the angel Michael was well delivered. And a very random Lucas Black plays a character named Jeep. This was the weirdest cast ensemble I've seen in a while. Tyrese, Dennis Quaid, Kate Walsh (Addison from Grey's Anatomy), and Charles S. Dutton (from Rudy).
I think a lot of people will have a problem with this movie. Following suit as a typical apocalyptic movie, it pulls heavily from the Bible. When I watch a movie like this, I don't view them as a representation of the Bible. I just see it as a story. So if the Bible was misquoted, it went over my head. Story had plenty of flaws beyond any misquotes anyway.
What really got my goat - the horrible ending! If you have seen Constantine, just think of that. You have invested time in this movie, and then boom, nothing at the end but some lame message that doesn't even make any sense.
Goolsby overall: 1.75
For the succinctly choreographed action scenes and the wings.
I hated this movie. Really.
The good points were very few. One, the CGI work on the wings was stellar. I liked the battle gear too. However, I think they spent all the budget on the wings...and didn't have any left over for people crawling on the ceilings. Paul Bettany was the best part of this movie...his performance is worth noting. The battle between Michael and Gabriel was the best sequence.
I'm a Christian, and quite frankly, this movie was insulting. I try to give some leeway with apocalyptic movies, because there are a lot of uncertainties in the theology. However, this movie did not just play with the acknowledged gray areas, they took liberties with the character of God. At that, my friends, I can't dismiss.
My points of contention:
- God loses faith in mankind. Legion cites Genesis 6, where God lost faith in man the first time, and so sends a flood. The actual word in Genesis 6 is "grieved." Grief and losing faith are different things.
- Legion theology says, angels bow before men. God told them to love mankind. Twinges of angelic jealousy - over the fact that God loves mankind and not angelic beings are seen throughout. The only scripture that this would be drawn off of is 1 Peter 1:12 which cites "angels longing to look" into the activities of the Holy Spirit working within man. I think it's a gross misinterpretation, but check out the chapter for yourself.
- God orders Michael to do something wrong. Then rewards Michael because God realizes that He was wrong...and Michael actually knew best. (Specifically, what God "needed.") Which is laughable. In fact, Legion's description of God reminds me of a child having a tantrum. That's not in line with the Bible at all. In fact, the book of James describes God as a Father that "does not change like shifting shadows." This is the point where I lose respect for the writers and the film makers in general.
- A man was tied to a makeshift cross upside down, then spews acid when he blows up in the sun, which ends up killing another character. Allusion to St. Peter being crucified upside down? Maybe.
- Michael blowing a cross-shaped hole through a building, and walking through it. Effectively setting Michael up as savior. Meh, there's one savior of the world, people. Quit inventing new ones.
- I've never heard of angels in God's employ - which excludes the demonic - possessing people. Ever. Check your Bible.
- Constantine features Michael as the bad guy, well, in this one, they chose Gabriel, because after all, there are only two angels mentioned by name in the Bible. If you are reinventing scripture, might as well name a few new angels.
I don't go off on theology often, but this one was asking for it. So much crap. Even a feeble attempt to reference 1 Corinthians 13:13 - with the "faith, hope, and love" bit. I am pretty disgusted.
So, in my opinion, don't see this movie.
Phipps overall: 1
Some talented people made those wings. Here's your recognition.
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