Goolphipp Award: 2 (See the Cheap Matinee)
Unfortunately, I had some expectations for this movie, which is probably why I was disappointed. The biggest letdown was by far Carlos Mencia, who should never try to act in a movie again. His character was a huge part of the movie, and he was a horrible actor. This is another case of sacrificing the role for a big name.
In general, I feel like the screenwriter didn't take advantage of the clash of cultures. The focus of the clash was hurling insults in the dialogue between the fathers...which was funny for the first 2 minutes and then got old. The grandmother was by far the best character - although, I didn't pick up on most of the Spanish...which probably should have been subtitled. I don't think there is much else to say. I wasn't that entertained. The movie wasn't that memorable. In fact, I think the only thing I'll remember was being jealous of America Ferrera's clothes.
Phipps overall: 2
Just didn't cut it.
The gist of the movie - Mexican girl gets engaged to black guy; families collide. I agree with Phipps. Mencia was a let down. I was pretty excited for this movie. We had seen the trailer and it looked golden. The grandmother fainting in the preview was the best part of the movie. So it looks like we might have another Just-Watch-The-Trailer movies. Which is sad. I'm reminded of Did You Hear About the Morgans.
I caught a good chunk of the Spanish, but didn't realize Phipps didn't know what was going on till about half way through. I thought the families depicted were great. Poor Mencia just didn't compare to Forest Whitaker's father role. It's pretty sad when the minor characters upstage the leading roles.
Goolsby overall: 2
Had so much potential.
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