Goolphipp Award: 4.1 (Worth 11 Bucks)
I went for Goolsby. And I have to say, it was well done. The music seriously was channeling Jaws, and achieved the same emotional effect because it creeped me out. Between the two of us, Goolsby and I pieced together most of the big stuff. I'm very proud of us. Man, there was some great performances. DiCaprio – although I'm not a huge fan – did a wonderful job. I love hearing him with a Northeastern accent. The attention to detail for the 1950s era was there. Wartime flashbacks were also cool. This movie was and is not my cup of tea, but I can't deny that it was well shot, well acted, well put together. I'm glad I saw it. It was a little freaked out about the mental hospital angle. I went to a college that was a renovated mental hospital (with plenty of atmosphere), so mental hospital movie tend to weird me out. See a movie called Session 9 for another creepy mental hospital movie. I would say that this is definitely a movie for 17+.
Phipps overall: 4
Well done, but not my cup of tea.
Yup, Phipps finally caved and went with me to see this. What a crazy movie. We did piece most of it together. I think sometimes that ruins a movie. When you know something is up and all you can focus on it trying to figure the plot out. I don't think anything will ever surprise me as much as Fight Club did, well reading it that is. So perhaps it was all the hoopla I heard about this movie that had be so focused on figuring it out that it was a bit spoiled.
I loved the characters. Michelle Williams gave a creepy performance. Her whole ghostly spaced-out-ness just creeped me out. I really liked the intensity of this movie. Phipps mentions the Jaws music, but at times the music was hardly noticeable, so they did some great sound mixing and placement. I love movie that play off of small details. I just love smart finely tuned movies. Surprisingly, I jumped once. I might rent this movie once it comes out on DVD just to satisfy my curiosity of seeing all the stuff I missed the first time.
Goolsby overall: 4.25
Kudos to this movie.
I went for Goolsby. And I have to say, it was well done. The music seriously was channeling Jaws, and achieved the same emotional effect because it creeped me out. Between the two of us, Goolsby and I pieced together most of the big stuff. I'm very proud of us. Man, there was some great performances. DiCaprio – although I'm not a huge fan – did a wonderful job. I love hearing him with a Northeastern accent. The attention to detail for the 1950s era was there. Wartime flashbacks were also cool. This movie was and is not my cup of tea, but I can't deny that it was well shot, well acted, well put together. I'm glad I saw it. It was a little freaked out about the mental hospital angle. I went to a college that was a renovated mental hospital (with plenty of atmosphere), so mental hospital movie tend to weird me out. See a movie called Session 9 for another creepy mental hospital movie. I would say that this is definitely a movie for 17+.
Phipps overall: 4
Well done, but not my cup of tea.
Yup, Phipps finally caved and went with me to see this. What a crazy movie. We did piece most of it together. I think sometimes that ruins a movie. When you know something is up and all you can focus on it trying to figure the plot out. I don't think anything will ever surprise me as much as Fight Club did, well reading it that is. So perhaps it was all the hoopla I heard about this movie that had be so focused on figuring it out that it was a bit spoiled.
I loved the characters. Michelle Williams gave a creepy performance. Her whole ghostly spaced-out-ness just creeped me out. I really liked the intensity of this movie. Phipps mentions the Jaws music, but at times the music was hardly noticeable, so they did some great sound mixing and placement. I love movie that play off of small details. I just love smart finely tuned movies. Surprisingly, I jumped once. I might rent this movie once it comes out on DVD just to satisfy my curiosity of seeing all the stuff I missed the first time.
Goolsby overall: 4.25
Kudos to this movie.
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