Goolphipp Award: 4.75 (Worth 11 Bucks)
Where we stand: Fanatics, but not the creepy kind
Goolsby: Yes, there is some imaginary line when fans become crazed fans. I don't think Goolphipp falls into the crazed section, we're just enthusiasts. I love the story, and more importantly I loved this film.
Phipps: After I saw New Moon, I wrote on this blog, "I'm super stoked about the next movie...but I'm not going to stalk the set in Canada." And that is still technically true. However, Goolsby and I did take Movie Extravaganza Tour of the Pacific Northwest, which included the real Forks, La Push, and Port Angeles. In addition to that, we visited nearly all the filming locations for Twilight. We took some pictures at each place and that was it. It was cool and fun, and just our style. So I suppose, we can now be labeled fanatics...but we most certainly did not carry around cardboard cutouts...and I still don't write or read fan fiction.
Audience: Teens and up
Goolsby: I think it has been in the theaters long enough now to safely say there will be minimal teen-screaming, or stampeding for that matter. If you're trying to avoid the teens and watch this movie in peace, and without those prolonged sighs from some drooling teens, then so see an early or late late showing. This movie brings something for everyone, so enjoy.
Where we stand: Fanatics, but not the creepy kind
Goolsby: Yes, there is some imaginary line when fans become crazed fans. I don't think Goolphipp falls into the crazed section, we're just enthusiasts. I love the story, and more importantly I loved this film.
Phipps: After I saw New Moon, I wrote on this blog, "I'm super stoked about the next movie...but I'm not going to stalk the set in Canada." And that is still technically true. However, Goolsby and I did take Movie Extravaganza Tour of the Pacific Northwest, which included the real Forks, La Push, and Port Angeles. In addition to that, we visited nearly all the filming locations for Twilight. We took some pictures at each place and that was it. It was cool and fun, and just our style. So I suppose, we can now be labeled fanatics...but we most certainly did not carry around cardboard cutouts...and I still don't write or read fan fiction.
Audience: Teens and up
Goolsby: I think it has been in the theaters long enough now to safely say there will be minimal teen-screaming, or stampeding for that matter. If you're trying to avoid the teens and watch this movie in peace, and without those prolonged sighs from some drooling teens, then so see an early or late late showing. This movie brings something for everyone, so enjoy.
Phipps: 14+. There's more action in this one, and the themes are more adult. Eclipse has been labeled the "most guy friendly," and I would agree. There's less moping around and more wolves. Girls, of course, will love it if they love the books or vamps and wolves in general. I think most people will be able to find something they like. While we were waiting in line, we saw three generations of women: a grandmother, a mom, and her teenage daughter. That's one neat thing about this franchise, it allows for some common ground in the generation gap.
Storyline and drama: Classic Love Triangle
Storyline and drama: Classic Love Triangle
Goolsby: Tried and true the triangle always forces viewers to choose one side. And this is where we get the Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts. But hey... what about Team Quil Ateara? (Sorry, my geek is slipping out.)
Phipps: Stuck to the book plot fairly closely, aside from a few minor deviations. Each script gets a little better in capturing the spirit of the novel. General summary: Bella loves two men - a vampire and a shape shifter. And in the midst of the emotional turmoil, someone is trying to kill her. There's your hook. Angst for the women, and cloak-and-dagger for the boys.
Goolsby: We sat through all three films for the midnight showing trilogy thing. I literally had to tell myself "pay attention" the first 20 minutes of this film because it felt so seamless. I appreciate the plot sticking to the original book plot. I was so glad that all the background history of the other Cullen family members got to be explored. Maybe I change my mind - Team Jasper Hale. (Entering full geek mode.)
Phipps: There isn't a marked difference in the cinematography. In fact, I think David Slade really tried to make a movie that fit with the other two. Crazy Goolphipp saw the trilogy opening night on the big screen, and Eclipse felt like an extension of the other two. As a whole, all the characters got to shine...and the plot was completed. There were no wasted scenes. Slade did a great job with the action sequences. I felt like this movie was almost the complete package. I say almost because they missed the sparkly vampire skin in quite a few scenes. That's part of why they are in Forks - no sun = no sparkle. I almost feel like a post-release touch up of these scenes would be beneficial...but nobody listens to me.
Delivery: Nailed it
Goolsby: Everyone is finally well seated into their characters. I think any forgiveness we gave in the first two movies has paved the way for great performances. I'm indifferent to the whole Kristen-Stewart-as-the-right-Bella conflict... I don't really care. Heck, at least she stopped that incessant blinking she sported in the first film. Billy Burke as Charlie always, always, always, steals the scenes. Perhaps I change my mind again, Team Charlie. Haha. But really, great supporting cast on this one. I loved Julia Jones as Leah Clearwater, she really nailed the pissed off look. And Boo Boo Stewart (poor kid has to live with this name) as Seth Clearwater was perfect - so eager and outgoing, loved it.
The filming was great too. I loved all of the action scenes. I wanted more. A few times they went really fast, and the vampire parts flying around were hard to catch. The sound mixing was great! Awesome. I love a good fight.
Phipps: People nailed their characters as usual. I'm still not a fan of Kristen Stewart...I'm sure there was a better Bella out there. I love Taylor Lautner. In my opinion, that kid just knows his character inside and out, which makes for the perfect Jake performance. Pattinson was allowed by the script to really show the old-fashioned, gentleman side of Edward, and that was amazing to see brought to life. The supporting cast - especially Jasper (played by Jackson Rathbone) and Charlie (played by Billy Burke) - stole some scenes. Overall, I was really satisfied.
Phipps overall: 4.75
The missed sparkle...automatic deduction.
Goolsby overall: 4.75
Phipps is right. Almost perfect.
Goolphipp award: 4.75 (Worth 11 Bucks)