Goolphipp Award: 2.75 (Wait for DVD)
I wasn't that excited to see this movie. Goolphipp had been on vacation, and we were going through movie withdrawals, so along comes Robin Hood. Point blank, I was not impressed, with anything really. I'm tired of hearing this story, and I didn't really think this new spin on it brought anything new to the table. The pairing between Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett was odd. It did not feel like they had chemistry, in spite of me wanting them to. I think the best part of this movie was the supporting cast. The three other guys that made up Robin's gang were awesome, and hilarious. Scott Grimes (from ER) played Will Scarlett; Kevin Durand (from Legion) played Little John; Alan Doyle played the musician of the lot. I think the movie as a whole had some really great parts, but at the end of it all, there was no "it" that made me cheer in excellence. Robin Hood: Men In Tights remains my favorite, followed closely by Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
I wasn't that excited to see this movie. Goolphipp had been on vacation, and we were going through movie withdrawals, so along comes Robin Hood. Point blank, I was not impressed, with anything really. I'm tired of hearing this story, and I didn't really think this new spin on it brought anything new to the table. The pairing between Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett was odd. It did not feel like they had chemistry, in spite of me wanting them to. I think the best part of this movie was the supporting cast. The three other guys that made up Robin's gang were awesome, and hilarious. Scott Grimes (from ER) played Will Scarlett; Kevin Durand (from Legion) played Little John; Alan Doyle played the musician of the lot. I think the movie as a whole had some really great parts, but at the end of it all, there was no "it" that made me cheer in excellence. Robin Hood: Men In Tights remains my favorite, followed closely by Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Goolsby overall: 2.5
There was a reference to home-brewed mead though.
Honestly, this movie came recommended. I didn't think it was a complete waste of time. There were moments that were worth it, but overall, I think this is just the next installment to the technically-superior-remakes-yet-short-on-heart series. Make fun of Kevin Costner all you want, but his version had heart - something about it makes you want to pick up a sword and join the fight against injustice. While Russell Crowe actually sports an English accent, I felt his performance was mostly flat. The strongest moment was Robin's monologue to the war party, which reminded me of Gladiator. I also felt that Cate Blanchett as Marian was miscast. While the Marian in this version was a bit more tough than all the other previous Marians, there wasn't enough femininity to soften the edges. I did, however, really love Max Von Sydow's performance as Sir Walter Loxley. I think it's because this aspect of Robin Hood was new - one of the new angles...and surprise! It was the most fun. Another historical angle I liked was the tie-in of the Magna Carta - which I totally remembered from 5th grade during the movie - and turns out, is historically-accurate timing. I appreciate that. Overall, it was a good movie for a cheap matinee or future Netflix queue item.
Phipps overall: 3
Decent, with some good moments.
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