Goolphipp Award: 4.75 (No Peanuts Chucked)
Okay, clearly these last couple reviews have been more of a rant for me. Let me start off with setting up my viewing mood for this movie. I was standing in front of a theater with friends, happy and ready to go see this movie. Out of no where I get a water balloon chucked at me from some convertible full of high-school morons. Hit my shoe. I was mad. Very.
So then I proceeded to watch this movie. I loved it. Drew Barrymore delivers a stellar movie on her big time directing debut. I was concerned when I found out she was directing and starring in it that she might overpower it. I was wrong. Her role was supportive of the story and characters. Ellen Page plays Bliss Cavendar, aka Babe Ruthless. I loved the catchy roller derby names. This movie is your typical rebel against the norm movie, but presents it in a different view. We get to see a strong mother figure, who some what force-feeds her daughter the beauty pageant mantras. I also appreciated seeing a delicate father-daughter relationship.
There is this moment where Drew Barrymore’s character Smashley Simpson, “koalas” her boyfriend. A koala is something that I hold dear. To properly koala someone you suddenly attach yourself to someone else’s body, then, don’t let go. It’s similar to a flying squirrel, but stealthier since you don’t have to get the running start. That won me over hands down. This movie delivers plenty of physical comedy, quirk, and everything else you need.
The only downside? Not enough physical contact. It’s about roller derby; I want to see some heads fly! Well not decapitation, but at least more brutal assaults. A few more hip checks and I would have been a happy, happy camper.
Stupid water balloon.
Goolsby overall: 4.75
Just what I needed.
I love this movie. I almost don’t want to say too much about it, because I don’t want to spoil it.
I will warn that it is more of a drama that you would expect from previews, but it doesn’t disappoint. There is enough comedy to keep the drama in check. As whole, the movie is fun and light. It makes you want to go out and join something like a roller derby league – to find that something you really love and commit to it.
Drew Barrymore shows potential to become a really wonderful director. Look at Clint Eastwood – judging from the spaghetti westerns, nobody would pegged him to be an amazing director, but he is. Choosing this movie as her mainstream directorial debut, well, it shows smarts.
Thinking back, I’m surprised at the character development. It was pretty impressive. I can look back, and remember the growth of each character. I’m talking about the scores of supporting characters! Bravo to writer Shauna Cross, Barrymore, and cast for pulling that off.
This movie, which is based off of a novel by Shauna Cross, is in turn based off of a derby league in L.A. I’m quite curious about what the real life event is like. I’m almost positive it involves more physical contact. Like Goolsby, I would have liked to see more ladies throwing elbows, hip checks, falls, and well, fancy rollerskating moves. This is one area where Barrymore and Ellen Page need some work.
That being said, go see this movie. I don’t think you will regret it. (Parents, I think 14 is the youngest you should go without a prescreening. It gets a little adult sometimes for elementary school kids.)
Phipps overall: 4.75
Nearly a perfect movie.
Contact us at goolphipp@gmail.com.
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