Goolphipp Award: 4.4 (No Peanuts Chucked)
I kept hearing about this movie. I knew I had to see it, and I wasn't disappointed either. The character of Michael Oher's foster mother, Leigh Anne Tuohy, a formidable woman in real life to be sure, carried the movie. That lady was tough as nails and also kind - a mother bear to be sure. I couldn't help but admire her. She was brilliantly portrayed by Sandra Bullock. Bullock has been nominated for a Golden Globe for this role (and rightly so). There were no special effects, no earth-shattering action, but it doesn't matter. It hits you in the gut, makes you care, makes you cheer - not just for Michael but for the entire family. One of my favorite lines from this movie is "Who knew we'd have a black son before we knew a democrat?" Which says something about Tennessee. I think one of the successes of this movie is capturing the Southern culture - the big hair, the hospitality, the Bible-belt-ness, sports-centered life, family, and both sides of the tracks in Memphis. I've driven through Memphis before, and I saw some of the nice streets and I saw some of the shady streets. The Blind Side had both, and I appreciated that. It's my opinion that everyone should see this movie at some point, and maybe you'll be inspired. I hope, if the situation ever arose, I would have the courage to do what the Tuohys did.
Phipps overall: 4.5
This year's My Big Fat Greek Wedding - a sleeper hit and feel-good movie.
Okay, first and foremost – let’s give a shout out to all the offensive linemen out there. I don’t claim to be a big football fan, but my brother played offensive tackle all 4 years of high school, and I cheered him along (in between my R.L. Stine books haha) - Go Bubba. This movie is based on the real life story of Michael Oher who currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens. Sandra Bullock plays the rich white Tennessee mother that takes him into her family. Bullock gave a performance that deserves all the Oscar-hype. I love a movie that mixes comedy and drama. The Blind Side did just that. Jae Head played the role of S.J. (Bullocks' son) and he stole every scene he was in. We’ll have to watch out for this little guy, he was hilarious. The best part of this movie is you knew it would end well, so it made sitting through the emotional drama worth it.
Goolsby overall: 4.25
A great family film.
Contact us at goolphipp@gmail.com.
I loved this movie and I love that you guys love it. I have to agree, Jae Head was stinkin' awesome! He's got comedic timing down pat.