Phipp Award: 3 (Worth 11 Bucks)
This is my first solo review. I saw Sherlock Holmes with my sister. We were really excited about it. And would you believe it, I didn't like this movie. Let me rephrase, I liked this movie as an action movie, but not as a Sherlock Holmes movie. You could have called the main characters Bert and Ernie...and the movie still would have worked, still would have been exciting, well-made, and in some respects, well-acted. It was, at the very core of it, an action movie. I've come to expect a little more brain with my Sherlock, and less reactionary headless chicken. Let me explain, I grew up with a movie called Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking. Rupert Everett is Sherlock Holmes, and is, in my opinion, one of the best portrayals. He combines the intelligence and the sarcasm, drug-user and strategist - and does it well. This is entirely my own opinion, and I'll be honest - most people disagree. In fact, a coworker looked at me and said, "Were you not entertained?" (Quoting Gladiator, of course.) I had to admit then, parts of Sherlock Holmes did entertain me. Jude Law as Watson is brilliant. If you watch this movie for no other reason than Jude Law, it's worth it. He's the best Watson I've seen. As I said before, this movie was put together well. The CG-Imaging of Old London Town was integrated well, and I thought the use of a dull color palatte was historically accurate. It sounds stupid, but I thought it was just missing something...some Sherlock X-factor. Go ahead, see it for yourselves, and then let us know what you thought of it.
Phipps overall: 3
For Jude Law.
Contact us at goolphipp@gmail.com.
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