Goolphipp Award: 3.4 (See the Cheap Matinee)
At my request, this was my birthday movie. Goolphipp and a group of friends all went together, and I was by far that most excited and entertained person in the theater. I was really excited to see Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, and Zach Galifianakis all on the same screen. Turns out, when all was said and done, my friends were not too stoked about the movie afterwards. This movie is quirk, to the max. I am quirk, to the max. Match made in heaven? Pretty much.
This movie is all about the dinner, but it takes a while to get there of course. I was prepared for this, and although it felt slow on getting to the dinner, I was okay with the necessary plot building that had to take place.
Carell plays Barry, a Mouseterpiece maker, he is a schmuck, and I will not deny that I did feel sad for him. Goodness, the character is such a pathetic case it almost hurts. Rudd plays Tim, the up and coming business man who befriends Barry. By the end of the movie you get to see who the real schmucks are.
Some scenes to watch for - Barry's fighting technique is to "play-dead" and of course it works every time! I was by far the loudest person laughing in the theater. All the scenes with Jermaine Clement (from Flight of the Concords), who plays Kieran the animalistic-artist, are hilarious. When Kieran and Barry share a bench and talk about life, all the while with Kieran sporting ram horns, it is pure classic genius. I loved it.
This movie had heart, and I knew that it would. In life, you've got all types of creatures, good, bad, mean, strange, and sometimes fantastic. This movie shows all walks of life. And yes, I most likely will eventually own this movie. This movie may not stick with you like some Thanksgiving feast meal, but you can't deny that food is food. The laughs flow free during this movie, and that can't be overlooked.
Just so you know, this film is based on a french film by Francis Verber called Le diner de cons (The Dinner Game). I have not seen this film, but according to others, the actual dinner is never shown in the film.
Goolsby overall: 4
That is a real live vulture featured in the dinner scenes. Real. As in, could have eaten out someone's eyes. Talk about filming dangers.
I am not as enthusiastic about this film like Goolsby. I was curious to see Carell, Rudd, and Galifianakis on screen. And it was pretty funny. However, the character Kieran (played by Jermain Clement) stole the show. The play on eccentric, sex god artist was amazing. When I think of all the memorable moments in this movie, he is in at least 80% of them: dressed up like a fawn, wearing horns, or being completely arrogant. There were a bunch of solid jokes along the way - the play dead, mouseterpieces, Kieran - but the way to dinner just dragged out. I lost patience with it a couple of times. When we finally got to the dinner, I laughed for the last fifteen minutes. As a whole, I think this is a Netflix movie. Something to watch on a lazy Friday night. It was just okay on all the levels - except perhaps the mouse taxidermy, which was oddly cool. For the record, they did not use the word "schmuck" once. What the heck. That's the bloody title, and you didn't use it once. "Idiot" just doesn't have the same punch as "schmuck."
Phipps overall: 2.75
Meh...a few funny moments.
You two were far too generous with this movie. Haha. :)