Goolphipp Award: 4.25 (Worth 11 Bucks)
I loved the books growing up, but aside from remembering characters...I couldn't remember a single plotline to save my life. I was so excited to see this movie, though. Ramona is a tough one to do justice! However, this movie captured the spirit of the books. Like I said, I can't say if the plot deviated from the books, but the movie's plot was satisfying. I loved that they pulled in the illustrations from the books. I think they were faithful to the books in the little things too, i.e., making sure Picky Picky (or Icky Sticky as Mr. Quimby would say) was a member of the family. As far as casting, I'm not a particular fan of Selena Gomez, but I think she did a great job bringing Beezus to life. John Corbett was a little hurdle in the beginning, and I think it just getting used to the particular style of the screenplay, because by the end of the movie, I wasn't bothered at all. Miss Joey King, the little gal that plays Ramona, did an amazing job. I can't think of anyone better for the title role. She showed a range of emotion and depth of performance that was unusual for her age. Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Duhamel (teaming up for the second time) had fun chemistry - I personally loved their characters' storyline. I loved the cast so much, it's hard to stop talking about them! As a whole, I had so much fun at this movie. As an adult, I wasn't bored...this movie will engage practically any age group (I'm not sure about men, though!). It's a good bet for family movie night...spunky, funny, and endearing.
Phipps overall: 4.5
The more I think about it, the more I like it.
I sort of remember reading these books. When the movie paid homage to the books with the doodles of Ramona, my memory was jogged. I wasn't as excited as Phipps going into this, but I did enjoy myself. It was a good film. I loved seeing John Corbett as the father. I think he did a great job. Kudos to him for picking age appropriate roles. I also think this movie touches on a very real subject - families with parents who have been laid off. I think the family dynamics in this movie were terrific. It stands to remind the grown ups who go see it that everything they do affects the little ones in the house. Can I also say that I was completely jealous of their house. It's in Portland... the current metropolitan area that owns my heart. That yellow house and picket fence... sigh. I loved how this movie depicted the "terrifical" world of Ramona. The CG stuff was just so, it was perfect.
Goolsby overall: 4
A good film for the whole family.
I loved this movie, too. I was a HUGE Ramona and Beezus fan when I was younger, and I couldn't wait to see this. I wasn't disappointed, and saw it again at the cheap movies.